This is Not America: Dutch Rhetoric and its Denial of Racism

One of the major challenges has been finding constructive ways to counter the dominant paradigm of White Autochtoon Dutchness, which declares that there is no anti-black racism in the Netherlands. Racism is always that which happens there and which happened then. The dominant paradigm routinely invents and finds the point of origin of anti-black racism in the United States, or in a sealed off past. Racism is, thus, not only contained spatially, but also temporally. It is always happening outside of one’s immediate surroundings. By imagining anti-black racism as something uniquely US American (or South African for that matter) and confining it to specific geographical and distinct temporal locations, the Netherlands is able to assert itself as a place where anti-black racism currently does not exist.

Egbert Alejandro Martina in This is Not America: Dutch Rhetoric and its Denial of Racism (Processed Life)