Vijf redenen waarom dwangarbeid in Groot-Brittannië langzaam ten onder gaat

What is broadly termed ‘workfare” has been in existence in some form or other since at least the mid-80s, but in its current form – six complementary work schemes – it can be understood as a key element of the restructuring of capital, with a specific role in disciplining and punishing the “reserve army of labour”, i.e. the unemployed. The growing obsolescence of “work” – understood as wage labour – and thus of a growing section of the workforce, means “workfare” becomes of immediate concern for a significant number of the population, even if they have yet to have any dealings with the punitive benefits system. Initially popular with a range of companies for its “free labour” appeal, workfare is slowly coming undone. Here’s why…

Christian Garland in 5 Reasons workfare is coming undone (