Looking back at the Leiden Queer Pride March

Some 500 people joined the strong and lively Queer Pride March on Saturday in Leiden. The protest began with speeches by Mila, David and Marty, who spoke on behalf of the Leiden Queer Coalition that organized the march. The images of the March speak for themselves. Yesterday the coalition published this statement about the March.
Dear queer community,
Together, we brought Pride back to Leiden. As a protest. By the community, for the community. You joined us at Molen de Valk, in person or online, and listened to the passionate words of our three speakers, guided by our host, Rielly (@reallyrielly).
You listened to Mila (@LovesLOTR), who spoke up about being queer and disabled, the lack of accessibility around them, and societal ableism;
You listened to David (@brown.dumpling), who spoke up about their experiences with racial discrimination, and racism in the gay community;
And you listened to Marty (@intersectionalrage), who read the letter written by our coalition. Our love letter to you, beautiful queer community of Leiden.

You marched through Leiden with us, in person or online. You spoke up for yourself. For your community. For all of us. And then, you danced. Together, we danced to the fantastic, magical sounds of queer revolution offered by DJ Toverteef (@toverteef_ ). Together we queered up the square, the stage, and the streets. They’re our streets now, Leiden.
Help us keep it that way. You saw what we can do when we put our hands together. Stay in touch with the queer collective that brought you this event and be part of something bigger. We are always here for you: @xCC_Leiden, @leidenpride, @transzorgnu, @leidenvoor14, @doorbraak3, @leidenbij1. We will do this again, and again, and again. Until we have our Queer Liberation.
Queer Coalition

Alles over de Leidse Queer Pride March / Everything about the Leiden Queer Pride March
- Terugkijken naar de Leidse Queer Pride March
- Mila bij the Queer Pride March: “Queer cultuur moet inclusief zijn” (video)
- Toespraak bij de Queer Pride March: “Plots was ik homo en bruin” (video)
- Leiden Queer Coalition: “Tussen droom en daad staan gezin en staat” (video)
- Looking back at the Leiden Queer Pride March
- Mila at the Queer Pride March: “Queer culture must be inclusive” (video)
- Speech at the Queer Pride March: “Suddenly I was gay and brown” (video)
- Leiden Queer Coalition: “Between dream and action stand the nuclear family and the state” (video)

A list of slogans used during the march:
- One solution, queer revolution!
- One direction, queer insurrection!
- Fuck het VU, transzorg nu!
- Tussen droom en daad staan gezin en staat!
- Between dream and liberation, stand family and nation!
- Fuck the hate, fuck the state
- We are here, Leiden is queer
- LU, fuck you
- LU, LU, vafanculo
- What do we want? Queer revolution! When do we want it? Now!
- Hey ho, hey ho, homofobia has got to go!
- Out of the closets, into the streets
- Silence is death, action is life
- 2, 4, 6, 8, how do your kids are straight?
- Be gay do crime
- My junk is not for you to see. Remove the sex on all ID.