8 maart, Utrecht: viering van internationale vrouwendag

Op 8 maart organiseren diverse organisaties in Utrecht een viering van internationale vrouwendag, waaronder Barricade, Feminists Against Ableism, No More Later, niet normaal*, Sex Workers Against Violence and Exploitation (SAVE) en Women for Filipino Women and Children (WOW).
Uit de oproeptekst:
“To our sisters, brothers, siblings, friends and comrades,
We call you to the streets for 8M, to celebrate International Women’s Day. There is life to celebrate, our victories, our resilience, the courage of our sisters and siblings everywhere raising their voice and fighting their oppressors.
This March 8, International Women’s Day and beyond, let us claim what is rightfully ours! Let us march, let us converge, on the streets & in our homes.
Dinsdag 8 maart
Van 17:30 tot 20:00 uur
Vrouwe Justitiaplein, Utrecht
Let us be joyful, thoughtful, rageful, grateful – let us unleash the full threat of feminist affinity born of our righteous and devastating struggles for bread, roses, love, freedom, dignity, justice & liberation.
When Patrice Cullors (initiator of #BlackLivesMatter) visited Amsterdam in 2016, she talked about interrupting white nationalism and asked the crowd at her Freedom Lecture: ‘What’s our plan?’
Our plan is to leave no one behind. Our plan is to help build power for the marginalized and the oppressed peoples.
Power to say no to negotiations when our demands are not fully met.
Power to say no to violence, discrimination, racism and ableism.
Power to say no to transmisogyny and gender-based hate.
Power to say no to persecution, displacement, and forced migration.
Power to say no to human rights violations and state-sponsored killings.
Power to say no to neoliberal and oppressive policies.
Power to say no to fascism and wars of aggression.
Rape culture, transmisogyny, and capitalism will never be mediated or negotiated away by the polder patriarchy – it is their bread & butter! No more ‘after the revolution’ or ‘your time will come’ bullsh*t – our struggles and our victories are simultaneous, we dismantle/destroy while building alternatives and safe havens.
While we do all these, let us also remember and offer a minute of silence to all our sisters, brothers, siblings and comrades all over the world, who lost their lives to gender-based and state violence. Let us remember, too, our sisters and comrades before us – the previous generations of feminists and women’s right defenders. Their courage lights up the fire in our hearts!
Let us stand in solidarity with our sisters, brothers, siblings and comrades all over the world taking up the streets, and raising their voices and fighting against exploitation, oppression, and repression, as we do, too, on March 8 and beyond.
We will take the fire in our hearts and hands.”
Harry Westerink