Inspirerende toespraken op Haags solidariteitsprotest met Moria (video)

Gisteren deden ongeveer 150 mensen mee aan het Haagse solidariteitsprotest met de vluchtelingen in kamp Moria. De organisatie had een reeks overtuigende sprekers uitgenodigd. De aftrap werd gegeven door Yuval Gal, die meteen duidelijk maakte welk type protest men voor ogen had, en vooral ook welk type niet.
“What was most important for us, was to center the voices of refugees. We don’t want it to be another demonstration of ‘ohhh my heart… and my consciousness…’. We want it to be a real political demonstration with real political demands on the racist parties who are in government. We want this to be a different demonstration than the demonstration that happened yesterday in Amsterdam”, aldus Gal.
“We want to make it clear that the reason for us coming here today was the horrific tragedy in Moria camp, but our demands are for all refugees, all asylumseekers, all immigrants, all the time, from all countries. We want to make it clear that the human rights of refugees are not ours to negotiate, they don’t belong to D66, they don’t belong to the ChristenUnie, they don’t belong to CDA, the don’t belong to VVD. They don’t belong to any political party, and no political party has the authority to compromise human rights of other people. No Dutch political party can speak on behalf of the child sleaping today on a road in Lesbos. We demand open borders for all newcomers, an open Nederland in an open Europe, in an equal world.”
Hier een impressie van bijna 10 minuten van de inspirerende toespraken van alle sprekers, met uitzondering van die van Doorbraak-activist Harry Westerink. Die bekijk je hier.
Eric Krebbers