Categorie: English

Translations into English

Nazi-Fasci-Communism: the instrumentalized anti-communist Hydra we ought to dismantle

In September 2020, the City Council of Dalmine, Italy, voted in favor of a motion that, citing the horrors of the Soviet Union’s Gulags and famine, equates Nazi-fascism to Communism, and so requiring one to declare oneself anti-communist in order to use public spaces. This is an insult to the memory of the many Dalminesi Partisans. But not only that:

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Die Niederlande entziehen sich weiterhin ihrer Verantwortung im Sivas-Prozess

Am 2. Juli 1993 setzte eine Horde von Tausenden Islamfundamentalist*innen nach stundenlanger Belagerung ein Hotel in der türkischen Stadt Sivas in Brand. Fünfunddreißig Menschen wurden getötet, die meisten von ihnen alevitische Intellektuelle, Künstler*innen und Darsteller*innen, die an einem mehrtägigen alevitischen Festival in der Stadt teilnahmen. Unter den Opfern war auch die niederländische Studentin Kulturanthropologie, Carina Thuijs. Der niederländische Staat hat

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SP-Abgeordnete Sadet Karabulut fordert einen internationalen Prozess gegen die Täter des Sivas-Massakers

Am 2. Juli 1993 setzte eine Horde von Tausenden Islamfundamentalist*innen nach stundenlanger Belagerung ein Hotel in der türkischen Stadt Sivas in Brand. Fünfunddreißig Menschen wurden getötet, die meisten von ihnen alevitische Intellektuelle, Künster*innen und Darsteller*innen. Die Opfer, darunter die niederländische Studentin Kulturanthropologie Carina Thuijs, waren Teilnehmer*innen eines mehrtägigen alevitischen Festivals in der Stadt. Die SP*-Unterhausabgeordnete Sadet Karabulut hat schriftlich Fragen

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“Citizens’ assemblies” are a reformist pacifier

Many left-wing activists have looked in amazement and admiration at the rapid rise of the international climate movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) in recent years. It organises itself in a basic democratic manner, occasionally blocks the centres of large cities and still gets a lot of people on board. Not all movements succeed in doing this! But is XR really as

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The imaginary democracy of the Left

While Dutch leftwing politicians quickly call to defend our beloved democracy from the attacks of hate, misinformation and conspiracies, grassroots movements like ours are not afraid to say that what happened at Washington DC on Wednesday is the manifestation of an issue inherent in our democracy: white supremacism. It is time for us to recognize that our democracies, in Europe

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Hollandalı anti-faşistler: Türk faşist örgütlerinin yasaklanmasını değil aldıkları finansal desteğin sona ermesini savunmalıyız!

Fransa, [31 Ekim-1 Kasım] hafta sonu boyunca aşırı sağcı Bozkurtların (Grey Wolves) Ermenilere yönelik şiddetiyle sarsılmış görünüyor. Faşistler, Azerbaycan’ın Dağlık Karabağ’daki Ermeni yerleşim bölgesine yönelik saldırısından yararlanarak çeşitli Fransız şehirlerinde sokaklara çıkıp Ermenilere karşı nefret ve öfkelerini gösterdiler. 1915 Ermeni Soykırımı’nı hatırlatan/anan çeşitli anıtlar Türk faşistleri tarafından saldırıya uğradı ve üzerlerine sprey boyayla “1915 ❤️ Erdoğan” gibi ırkçı metinler yazıldı.

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Regierung, hören Sie auf, die Grauen Wölfe zu unterstützen!

Anfang Februar veröffentlichten wir den Bericht „Die Hand der Regierung füttert immer noch die Grauen Wölfe“. Darin erläuterten wir ausführlich, wie zwischen 2013 und 2018 zehn Kommunen die türkische rechtsextreme Organisationen subventioniert oder anderweitig materiell, finanziell oder durch Räumlichkeiten unterstützt haben. Schriftliche Fragen wurden in Den Haag, Nijmegen und Beverwijk sowie im Parlament gestellt. In ihren Antworten behaupten sowohl die

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Together the movements for refugee rights and climate justice must force leaders to open borders

Last Thursday the Actiefonds and LAB 111 organised a meeting “No borders, no nations!” about the Europan border crisis. In the invitation they wrote: “Last month the Greek refugee camp Moria burned down to the ground, causing more suffering and more moral outrage. The latest event in a long, sad history of human rights’ violations at the European borders, it

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Unions nurturing intersectional solidarity

“We started to think about the strike, because of wages, sick pay. This time teachers and people working in the university started to support us, security, cleaners, everybody knew about this situation. This was very important, it wasn’t only 7 people supporting the strike then. I remember I started to cry from surprise because the union encouraged students, teachers and

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Sign this open letter: “Delfshaven400/Pilgrim Harbour is historical erasure of Dutch colonialism”

To the Mayor and Aldermen, As Rotterdammers, we stand in solidarity with national and local organizations fighting for a radical overhaul of how the Netherlands educates, takes responsibility, and makes reparations for its colonial past and present. With this letter we want to point out that Delfshaven400/Pilgrim Harbour festival is a pro-colonial celebration, subsidised by the gemeente Rotterdam and their

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