Bezetters van de Sendlinger Tor in München: “Onze strijd gaat niet alleen om verblijfsrecht”

Our struggle is not only a struggle for the right to stay. Like many other people around the world, we are struggling against racism as well. Today, about 30 activists of our protest camp came together in front of the Iranian consulate at Mauerkircherstrasse 67 to protest against the deadly racism against Afghan refugees in Iran. A racism in state and society, that took the live of an Afghan girl a few weeks ago, because organ transplants for refugees are prohibited there. In the city of Shiraz, Afghan refugees were blindfolded and locked in cages on a public square – the only reason being that they were born with the wrong passport. Our struggle is a struggle for the lives of all people. We are mourning the hundreds of people who drowned off the Egyptian coast yesterday – because of the wall that European politicians have built around Europe. They are the real criminals, not the refugees! We express our solidarity with the fight against racism in the US, where a black person has been shot by a racist cop this week, again. Let us not forget the first and second world war, in which millions have lost their lives. Now, we are in the 21st century. Today, all international treaties and laws cannot prevent that so many innocent people lose their lives – in the Sahara, in the Mediterranean or by the police. In a press release, the CSU portrays us as “troublemakers”. This is said by people who sit at their desks and judge de-privileged people. If they would find themselves in the situation of the refugees in Bautzen, they would judge differently. In addition, the party thus denies the worrying shift to the right, which is happening throughout Germany. Who builds a wall around Europe? Who shoots innocent people? The number of deaths in the world shows who the real criminals are. The most important thing in this world is humanity. What would life be without humanity? Let us fight together for it.

In Our struggle is not only a struggle for the right to stay (Refugeestruggle)