4 november, Den Haag: bijeenkomst over de Soedanese revolutie #AfroKnowledge
“First up we are hosting a panel discussion on the Sudanese Revolution. As you had probably noticed the wave on Instagram of the blue profile pictures or the iconic imagery of Alaa Salah in white chanting during a protest. However, some of us do not know what really happened or why profile pictures were changed to blue. Therefore, we have invited Dr. Karin Willemse who is a researcher on North Sudan, to give a introduction to the country’s history and the revolution. Additionally, we have Ms. Mekka Abdelgabar who is the executive director of Women in Dafur United for Peace and Progress. Ms. Abdelgabar will discuss her work as a mediator in Sudan and her organisation. Finally, Mr. Walid Ahmed and Mr. Abdulrazik Khamis are Sudanese activists in the Netherlands, and they will discuss the current situation in Sudan, and what it is like to be a Sudanese activist in the Netherlands and on social media. We will end with a panel discussion among the speakers and the audience”, aldus de oproep van Afro Student Association (ASA) op Facebook. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in het kader van de “#AfroKnowledge Series”.
Maandag 4 november
Van 18:00 tot 20:00 uur
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Zaal 3.48, Leidse Universiteit
Turfmarkt 99, Den Haag
Doorbraak-activist Abdulrazik Khamis is nauw betrokken bij alle protesten in Nederland, en activist Walid Ahmed schreef artikelen voor onze website over het terroriseren van ongedocumenteerde vluchtelingen door de Soedanese ambassade en over de nieuwe Soevereine Raad in Soedan.
Eric Krebbers
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