Categorie: English

Translations into English

Today Antonio Negri passed away

Earlier today Antonio Negri passed away at the age of 90. Negri was one of the most influential radical political theorists of the post-War generation, and he arguably shaped the political world view of at least two generations of activists and theorists on the anti-authoritarian Left. Negri was born in 1933 in Padua and joined a progressive Roman Catholic youth

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Amsterdam: Starke Redebeiträge bei ansonsten eher enttäuschender Kundgebung gegen Wilders

Etwa zweihundert Menschen haben heute am „Nationalen Aktionstag gegen Wilders“ auf dem Dam-Platz in Amsterdam teilgenommen. Die Teilnehmer*innenzahlen waren enttäuschend. Vielleicht waren Wut und Angst in den ersten Tagen nach der Wahl größer (zumindest waren die erste Proteste größer), vielleicht gibt es in diesen Tagen schon viele andere Proteste, vielleicht war es zu kalt, vielleicht war aber auch die Mobilisierung

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Why is Greta unsafe on the stage of the Climate March?

On Sunday, November 12, Greta Thunberg, while on the stage of the Climate March, was besieged by a white man wearing a bright green jacket. He enters the stage, bypasses security, grabs Greta’s microphone and says, “I come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view.” No one from the climate march organization takes any action, leaving it up

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Unsolicited Advice from A Jewish (Mother) for European Activists

In the past few weeks, many Jews do not speak out publicly against Israel because of antisemitism, and many non-Jews do not speak out about their criticisms of Israel because they are afraid of being labelled antisemites. Fear of antisemitism is what fed Herzl’s Zionist dream. A dream that has now become a nightmare. Fear of antisemitism feeds the current

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November 12, Amsterdam: decolonial anti-racism block at climate march

On Sunday November 12 there will be another national climate march in Amsterdam. At the previous climate march in Rotterdam, we led the way with a very loud and powerful decolonial anti-racism block. This time we will join the march again! We are bringing together as many decolonial, indigenous and anti-racist organizations as possible to claim a space for climate

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Decolonial anti-racism block at the climate march, 12 november, Amsterdam

After organizing the first ever decolonial anti-racist block at a national climate march last year, we are bringing our sound and fight to the national climate march on the 12th of November in Amsterdam. As organizers for this block we wish to share a few thoughts about the essential importance of our voices getting centered and listened to – not

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September 2nd, Leiden: don’t give fascists a chance to disrupt drag queen reading hour

This Saturday, September 2, drag queen Dina Diamond will read to children for an hour in the Leiden public library. Torch-fascist Max van den Berg and Forum voor Democratie (FvD) hate monger Gideon van Meijeren have seized this opportunity to incite their supporters, and to call for “a counter-voice” to be heard at the library “on personal capacity”. For some

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Why The Dutch Left is Actually Capitalist

Historically, what is called the political left has mostly been in the forefront of creating more freedom, self-determination and prosperity for all, not the few. Just like every other form of ideology, the left has taken many forms over the centuries. The contemporary political left has been mostly defined by a subset of revolutionary struggles in the world. Starting from

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The struggle for decolonization: connection to the anti-racism, peace, socialism and climate movements

This speech was delivered at the Decolonial Reparations Conference on April 22, 2023, organized by Aralez and Decolonial International Network. The speech advocates for decolonization as a framework to connect the anti-racism, peace, socialism and climate movements. The speech is a translated and slightly edited version of an earlier speech at the Conference Against Racism and Discrimination on December 10,

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Casual UvA: how to organise a grading strike with 200 lecturers

Last spring the organisation Casual UvA (University of Amsterdam) staged an impressive grading strike involving over 200 university lecturers on temporary contracts. Lecturers refused to submit their students’ grades into the administrative system as a way of putting pressure on university management. Casual UvA’s main issue was the successive one-year contracts that temporary contract workers received, only to be fired

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