Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

Leiden Canal Pride – Why the municipality did not provide an objective answer about police violence

On Saturday, September 2nd of last year, during Leiden Pride, queer activists were driven away and enclosed in the morning, and beaten by the police in the afternoon. The following week, the mayor lied about this in the city council, where five people spoke out about the police violence. This prompted Leiden activists, including those from Doorbraak who were present

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Leiden Canal Pride – Its buried background and history

On September 2nd last year, during the Leiden Pride, queer activists were driven away and enclosed in the morning, then beaten by the police in the afternoon. The following week, the mayor lied about this incident during the same city council meeting where five people spoke out against the police violence. This series of events prompted Leiden activists, including members

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Tsolin Nalbantian at Leiden University sit-in: “We have the solution: an international academic boycott of Israel”

The following is a speech given by Tsolin Nalbantian, associate professor of Modern Middle East History at Leiden University, at the sit-in organized by Leiden for Palestine that took place in front of Leiden University’s Law School Faculty on May 30, 2024. I am really grateful to be here today – and I want to take a moment to point

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Neither peaceful, nor de-escalating

We are a group of activists who were involved in the occupation of the Maagdenhuis in 2015. We see that the current pro-Palestine protests at UvA took off rapidly, but that the institutions and a part of the activist-movement are now openly calling for de-escalation. Behind this dynamic, we recognise a number of repressive tactics that caused great damage during

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Sind der Völkermord im Gazastreifen und die Shoa vergleichbar?

In Gesprächen und in den sozialen Medien wurden in den letzten Monaten ab und zu Vergleiche angestellt, die Unbehagen hervorrufen können. Manchmal werden Zionisten oder Israelis als Nazis bezeichnet. Oder die aktuelle Situation in Gaza wird mit der im Warschauer Ghetto während des Zweiten Weltkriegs verglichen, wobei gesagt wird, dass Juden mit ihrer Geschichte es besser wissen müssten. Wir haben

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“Let’s be clear” – spoken word by Eman Khasawneh at the protest against Israeli president Herzog

Last week we published the first three speeches that were held at the protest against Israeli president Herzog, who came to Amsterdam to open the new Holocaustmuseum. The demonstration was organised by the Jewish anti-zionist organisation Erev Rav, against this head of a state in the process of committing genocide (and of course not against the museum). At the protest

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BPW: “The visionless woonvisie is just throwing oil onto the fire”

The speech by Lila of BPW, yesterday at the protest in Rotterdam against the new local “Woonvisie”. Hello, I’m Lila and I am standing here today on behalf of Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), a national association that supports tenants who live in temporary and precarious conditions to demand their housing rights. I am speaking in English, because these discussions also

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Ungefragte Ratschläge einer Jüdischen (Mutter) für Europäische Aktivist:innen

In den letzten Wochen haben sich viele Jüd:innen aus Angst vor Antisemitismus nicht öffentlich gegen Israel ausgesprochen, und viele Nicht-Jüd:innen äußern sich nicht zu ihrer Kritik an Israel, weil sie Angst haben, als antisemitisch abgestempelt zu werden. Die Angst vor Antisemitismus hat Herzls zionistischen Traum genährt. Dieser Traum hat sich in einen Albtraum verwandelt. Die Angst vor Antisemitismus nährt die

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Warum ist Greta auf der Bühne des Klimamarsches nicht sicher?

Am Sonntag, den 12. November, wird Greta Thunberg, die auf der Bühne des Klimamarsches steht, von einem weißen Mann in einer leuchtend grünen Jacke belästigt. Er kommt durch die Sicherheitskräfte auf die Bühne, schnappt sich Gretas Mikrofon und sagt: “Ich bin für eine Klimademonstration hier, nicht für politische Ansichten”. Niemand von der Organisation des Klimamarsches tut etwas. Also ist es

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“If we burn” – a short review

I recently read Vincent Bevins’ “If We Burn” (2023), which gives an impressive overview of the many mass mobilisations and uprisings that emerged across the world during the past decade (2010-2020). It raises the question why most of these movements eventually “led to the opposite of what they asked for”. The book has strong merits: it is largely interview-based and

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