Categorie: Internationaal


Mr. Anarchist, we need to have a chat about colonialism

“Walking and asking questions” is the core principle that the Zapatistas defined in their effort to move beyond predetermined and narrow conceptualizations of revolutionary struggle. The Zapatistas see revolution as a process in which the people build their freedom from below and learn to govern themselves in the process. This principle rejects the traditional Marxist-Leninist notion of the historical vanguard

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Beweging voor hoger minimumloon in de VS groeit

The gathering on March 21 was in part a strategy session to plan for the fast-food movement’s next big wave of protests, which is now scheduled for April 15. But the meeting was also seeking to be something far more ambitious. Through some strategic alchemy, the organizers hoped the gathering would turn the fast-food workers’ fight for a $15 hourly

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Een ‘bloemlezing’ van racisme in de Lage Landen #Dailyracism

Initiatiefnemer van de sociale mediacampagne #dailyracism is filosoof en activist Bleri Lleshi. Volgens hem komt de campagne niets te laat. “Uit een onderzoek van het European Agency for Fundamental Rights blijkt dat zevenendertig procent van de bevolking in de Europese Unie geconfronteerd wordt met racisme of discriminatie. Van die zevenendertig procent is er tweeëntachtig procent die nergens melding maakt van

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Fotoverslag: creatief protest tegen UKIP-chef Nigel Farage (bij zijn pub)

“We went down because that’s where Nigel’s local is, and for far too long he’s been spreading prejudice and hate, targeting communities with sexism, racism, homophobia, HIV prejudice, Islamophobia and a whole lot more. We’d had enough, so a group of us got together to make a celebration of diversity down at his local, to show him what it’s all

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Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life

The Department of Justice’s investigation of the Ferguson Police Department has scandalized the nation, and justly so. But the department’s institutional racism, while shocking, isn’t the report’s most striking revelation. More damning is this: in a major American city, the criminal justice system perceives a large part of that city’s population not as citizens to be protected, but as potential

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Verklaring van de bezetters van de Londense Universiteit LSE

We join the ongoing struggles in the UK, Europe and the world to reject this system that has changed not only our education but our entire society. From the occupations in Sheffield, Warwick, Birmingham and Oxford, to the ongoing collective takeover of the University of Amsterdam– students have made clear that the current system simply cannot continue. We are not

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Actieweek van Boycott Workfare van 25 april tot 2 mei

As the general election campaign gets underway we are already seeing politicians calling for more of the same policies. More workfare. More sanctions. Yet we know that these policies have been a total disaster. It is shameful that workfare and sanctions are supported by all the main political parties. This is why we are holding a week of action in

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Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly ? – The evolving ideology of the PKK

The PKK’s thinking is strongly essentialist. Women and nature are often equated, and following this, “woman” is identified with motherhood. Women are assumed to have certain characteristics as women, such as empathy, an abhorrence of violence and a closeness to nature. These qualities need to be taught to men so that patriarchal society can be overcome. These ideas put a

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Reimagining feminism on International Women’s Day

Capitalism not only creates the conditions for wage theft and precarious labour but – through patriarchy as a mutually reinforcing process – it also defines what can even be characterized as labour and ties human worth to wage-labour productivity. Single mothers become marginalized as “unemployed” and “uncontributing” when they are in fact, as scholar Silvia Frederici observes, reproducing labour power

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Actie voor Rojava!

Kobanê is meer dan een symbolisch bastion tegen de IS. Het is ook de hoofdstad van één van de drie kantons, die bevrijd zijn door lokale Volksbeschermingseenheden. Terwijl de wereld geobsedeerd is door de strijders van IS, is hier te midden van de puinhopen van de burgeroorlog een grassroots-initiatief ontstaan voor een inclusieve, participatieve en radicale democratie. Deze bevrijde en

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